Saturday, June 8

Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) : Blessed (Part1)


*I found myself so hard to story-mory in English. Some mix-ups would be okay kot I guess. heh

Yesterday as all of us knew there had been held an event of 'Global March to Jerusalem' in Egypt and Malaysia too. Guess what, hundreds of people had joined this beautiful and blessed marching including me and my friends (yang dekat Egypt punya lah).

Actually I just knew about this event a day before and at first thought I was like macam malas gila lah nak pi. Exams plus Egypt are now getting hotter and hotter, so even to go out to kedai runcit dekat bawah rumah ni pon we people would like to think 'bout it thousands time. haha (one of my friend in Kedah had been travelling to Shah Alam just to join this march in Malaysia. Semangat betui mak cik tu. Good good)

that Friday morning (which was yesterday) there were so many people in facebook wrote on their status of going to this event. They wrote on things to bring along to this march such as sunglasses, bottles of mineral water, hat, payung, etc. Ok, ni kira persiapan yang lengkap lah untuk menghadapi cuaca yang super panas kat sini. Then I asked Nisa would she like to join them too. Since the answer was yes, weolls pon got ready lah. After solat zohor dekat rumah, kami berdua berangkat ke sana. (according to the real tentative, we supposedly went to Masjid Rabiatul Adawiyah (Masjid Rab’ah) before Jumaat and gathered there to start the march together with the Egyptians after solat tapi sebab lambat siap punya pasai, kami tunggu ja lah dekat Dataran Jundi Majhul tu (tempat Anwar Sadat dibunuh).

As we reached that dataran, tak dak orang pon lagi. Tunggu punya tunggu then we saw people were heading towards us, coming from the other road side. haha. Sebab excited punya pasai empat-empat (nisa, yah, wawa, aku) bercerapak lari lintas jalan. Could you imagine we crossed that really broad road semberono macam tu ja. Bertuah punya budak-budak. haih [-___-'']

Ok, back to the feeling of seeing people who were walking towards us, it was so amazing. As all people there had the same hadaf (aim) so we were so glad to be part of them. Memang lah kan, marching ja kot. Boleh ka nak bebaskan Al-Quds? But yesterday we were telling the world that now people were more concerned and being serious on this issue. 

That very beginning
Syabab Mesir
Dataran Jundi Majhul

 Malizi 1
Malizi 2 (so proud to see Malaysian Flags all over the places!)

 Abang ni kitorang jumpa masa mula-mula dok tunggu rombongan dari Masjid Rab'ah sampai
Ayah dia (yang tengah drive tu) bagi topi kertas hijau tulis 'AlQuds lana'
yang macam pakcik (kanan) ni pakai
shoo shweeet..sometimes Egyptians do get my heart beb
Personal sideview
Macam yang aku cakap tadi, mula-mula macam malas gila nak pi. Act bukan sebab cuaca panas pon, cuma ada bisikan-bisikan syaitan kat dalam ni yang dah memesongkan niat aku dari mula lagi. Apa brand kann kalau pergi tapi nanti tak dapat apa-apa just sebab niat dari awal dah tak betul. Fikir punya fikir at last aku pergi jugak. Niat bole diubah bila-bila ja, asal tujuan sebenar jelas. ahha..

Aku sangat tak faham lah budak-budak dekat Egypt ni. Frankly writing, mereka (aku pon dua kali lima jugak!) tend untuk tidak join apa-apa benda (yalah kalau dah tak suka, buat apa nak join kan. ehh?) Sorry to saywrite guys. It is just a simply-silly-thought of mine. No offense k (berani mati betul) :’) tapi itu lah aku cakap, bila lagi nak enjoy our stay kat Mesir ni kan. Have fun lah sikit people! Ada 2 tahun ja lagi kat sini.
Pergi ja lah tempat-tempat atau event-event yang dapat membuka mata sikit. Bukan nak suruh join/commit betul-betul pon. Just at least you get some experience during our time here. Ada jugak nanti modal untuk cerita kat anak cucu bila dah tua nanti. Ok lah, maybe sekarang musim exam, orang tak suka keluaq jalan-jalan nak nak suhu yang sedang menggila ni. Tapi aku rasa sangat rugi lah kalau tak grab experince yang jarang-jarang ada ni just sebab takut orang kata, orang marah etc. Ok, maybe they have their own way to grab things here kot. Maadi? KFC? ahha...(aku pon kadang-kadang tak pi program, kata orang. hah)

More pictures are coming. Nanti aku pi copy paste kat orang. (itu lah kau, henpon 3310 jah TT__TT sobsobs)
*about 5 hours spent time kat luar semalam, kalau dok rumah nak baca buku pon belum tentu aku dapat habeskan 1 tajuk. ni aku laa, kalau orang lain mesti 2/3 tajuk bedai...ahha

P/s : Alhamdulillah, everything was just fine from the start till the end. Tak dak pon polis-polis yang mai pukul/belasah kami-kami ni. All were just going in peace, great, energetic and so much fun!  ^__

1 comment:

  1. bole tak nak komen? (haha, apa lah kau!)

    It was really sad (throbbing pain in my heart) just to know that people here had that mind-setting yang march ni under IKRAM?? ouh God, what a big loss's a global event tau!! sedih ahh macam ni... (lap-lap peluh kat dahi..pheewww~)
