Monday, June 17

air mata

I wished him happy father’s day
but he didn’t reply me straight away

I know he was busy, with the M stuff
and all I can do was just waiting for the reply

He texted me back (at 3 a.m)

‘Thanks for the thought. Sorry x respond immediately...explaining the reason and what he did during the day…and lastly, Happy day my beloved daughter. May Allah bless u always’

Sometimes I feel that he works too hard for us, just to provide us the comfort, the happiness.

Just when he started the M stuff about a year ago, he got busier, even when it came to hari raya, he would just be around till noon, then he needed to go there back. Takut orang datang katanyaBut I know sometimes he just waits there, kalau ada orang jalanlah, tapi kalau tak ada…

It’s hard for you, I know
and it’s hard for us too, I know you know
I miss the times when you’ll always be around
but you have sacrificed things just to earn more for our life
You are getting older now yet you need to struggle more
all that I can do for you now is to keep praying

May Allah bless you in every single thing you are doing
hope you are doing fine with the M stuff, hope you don’t get tired easily, hope you can always smile happily.

Lastly, be safe. May Allah protect you always my dear Abah. Enjoy your days in every way ok? Take care.

Doakan keluarga aku murah rezeki, terima kasih!


  1. i feel you bro
    understanding is a test
    its always gonnna be my test
    but i hope
    for you
    it will gonna be an ultra short test

    okaaay honey bunny?
